What you believe (about yourself) matters ❤️
At the end of the day, what you most deeply believe about yourself–your worth, your value, who you are–has a big impact on your life. And, due to various experiences throughout life, some of these things that you subconsciously believe about yourself may not be that nice or affirming towards yourself. The thing is, deep-rooted…
Deep Self-Love
The Deep Self-Love ❤️ Session is a guided group healing to help you bring loving energy to ALL parts of you… …the parts that are in the light… ….and the parts that have been in shadow…. …so that all of you can work in harmony. This harmonization of all parts of you is the deepest…
Special Offers for the Summer!
In honor of Summer… I have some special offers for you this month! Summer is my favorite time of year… These summer offers are designed to help you take advantage of the expansive energy of the summer to make positive and lasting shifts in your overall health and wellbeing. Special Offer # 1: Free live…
What are you feeling at the moment?
Check in invitation; what are you feeling at the moment? And, is it how you want to feel? Are you… …. relaxed and at ease? … calm, but alert? ….a bit wound up or tense? Whatever you’re feeling, this is a reminder that you can restructure your habitual go-to feelings to be more in line…
What does deep self-love mean to you?
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “deep self-love”? And, is it something that feels like a priority? To me, deep self-love is one way to look at deep healing. In this context, what I mean by deep self-love is a love that provides safe space and compassion for all parts of…
How (and why) to give your mind a new job.
How often to do you think you’re fully present? Awhile back, I decided to be aware of how often I was worrying about something… …versus just being present. And I was somewhat shocked to discover that once I decided to be more aware of when I was present or not, I found I needed to…
Invitation to slow down this season
In the northern hemisphere, we’re entering an inward season. ❄️ At the same time, the global situation, the holiday season, and the general pace of life are not necessarily in line with this pull toward stillness and slowing down. For myself, I’ve been finding it necessary to be more intentional about settling into stillness and finding the…
New Offer: Ancestral Healing Container
I want to tell you about some of the very cool client experiences that have arisen in recent weeks through the lens of focusing on Ancestral Healing and Support. ❤️ Some of the themes that have come through: It’s been both deep and beautiful to witness this joyful clamoring of support from the ancestral realm,…
How to get on the same page with yourself
Here’s an interesting seeming contradiction… All parts of you… …even the parts that are mean to you… … your negative self-talk…. …the parts of you that shame you… … your “self-sabotaging” patterns…. are on your side. They all represent aspects of you that are trying to keep you safe. They might not be accomplishing what…
Simple doesn’t always mean easy
Simple doesn’t always mean easy… And some thoughts on what you can do when things are a bit harder… What I’ve found is this: Sometimes simple things are easy. And sometimes they aren’t as easy. For example…taking deep breaths to regulate your nervous system may be simple… … and it may be easy at certain…