Here’s an interesting seeming contradiction…
All parts of you…
…even the parts that are mean to you…
… your negative self-talk….
…the parts of you that shame you…
… your “self-sabotaging” patterns….
are on your side.
They all represent aspects of you that are trying to keep you safe.
They might not be accomplishing what they think they are at this point.
But their intention is to support you.
So, with this in mind, as you walk the path of gently addressing the roots of these types of patterns, while they’re present, I suggest treating these parts of you with love and care (because they are you, and you deserve love and care).
They’re likely parts of you that have had intense experiences, and developed coping methods to help you survive. They may even be coping mechanisms that an ancestor developed that have been passed down in the lineage. You may no longer need these coping methods. The coping methods may in fact now be holding you back.
But at root, these are parts of you that, more than anything, need loving attention and care.
So, of course, (as this is the basis of my work), I recommend taking the intentional time to deeply hold space for these parts of yourself and to gently unravel the impact of these intense experiences from the past.
And in the meantime, when these types of pattern or self-talk pop up while you’re going about your day…
…here’s a suggestion for how to approach your negative self-talk and get on the same page as yourself when challenging patterns arise in the moment.
Instead of trying to fight the thought or pattern, see what happens if you try this instead:
Say to the thought: “thank you for your input, but that isn’t helpful right now”
And then move forward.

Fighting these types of thought or pattern head-on without resolving the root might just lead to friction without resolution.
If you can let this part of you know that you’ve heard it, but that it’s not actually helpful, it might give you some space to move forward in that moment…
…while gently giving that part of you some information about how that pattern is not actually helping you.
That way, you create space to get on the same page with this aspect of yourself…
…and to move forward without fighting yourself.
And in so doing, you open the door more and more, moment to moment, for getting on the same page with these parts of yourself.
What do you think?
Does that sound useful?
If you try this approach, let me know how it goes for you and what you find. ❤️
And, if you want deep support with the process of resolving and healing the underlying patterns that lead to things like negative self-talk and patterns that feel self-sabotaging or stuck, I invite you to explore one-on-one work with me.
In the Transformation Coaching + Intuitive Healing containers I offer, we work with your body to gently resolve the impact of past experiences and conditioning so you can experience more ease and cohesion in your body, mind and spirit.
We gently enfold the parts of you that may be hurt, may be suffering, may be traumatized, may be reacting to something that happened in the past (in your lifetime, or even further back)…
… so that all aspects of you and all of your energy can be integrated in service of what your deepest goals are for yourself.
This deep and gentle integration work may be a match for you if you…
…experience negative self-talk…
…aren’t making the progress towards your goals that you’d like…
…feel stuck despite really wanting things to change…
…have had intense, traumatic or stressful experiences…
…feel part of you is resisting or fighting your progress…
…find it challenging to receive good things…
…have parts of you that are afraid of love…
These are all things that would benefit from gently creating greater internal cohesion.
In a Transformation Coaching + Intuitive Healing container we can gently invite all parts of you to get on the same page so you can move forward with more harmony and potency.
More body-mind-spirit cohesion means more peace and personal power, more ease in relationship, and a more inclusively loving relationship with yourself.
All aspects of you deserve your love.
If you’re interested, you can learn more about one-on-one work here and then connect with me for details about specific offers available now, as well as special offers for new clients. ❤️
I’m also happy to answer any questions you may have.
Sending you love, and I hope you’re having a beautiful day,
~Dr. Amberlee Rose
Transformation Coach, Intuitive Energy Healer, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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