deep self-love

What does deep self-love mean to you?

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “deep self-love”?

And, is it something that feels like a priority?

To me, deep self-love is one way to look at deep healing.

In this context, what I mean by deep self-love is a love that provides safe space and compassion for all parts of you.

Not just the parts of you that you’re proud of and appreciate (which is also a great practice)…

…but also the parts of you that you sometimes hide from…

…the parts that are in the shadows….

…the parts you don’t feel great about…

Because those parts…the parts that make you feel a little uncomfortable or afraid, ashamed or upset…those are the parts that would most deeply benefit from your love.

And extending light and love there is how some of the deepest healing can happen.

Sometimes, when we catch a glimpse of a pattern we don’t like, we can shove it back down instead of investigating it because it seems “bad” to feel that way and we don’t want to look at it.

Or, we’re upset that we feel a certain way and get mad at ourselves for it.

…Maybe you don’t like that you feel jealous of a certain person…

…Or that you feel needy in certain situations…

…Or that something makes you really angry without you really knowing why…

Or maybe there are parts of you that you don’t feel are good enough, or smart enough, or kind enough…

But, at the root of feelings like that, there’s likely an injured part of you… and even more likely a very young injured aspect of you… that would deeply benefit from your love and compassion.

Getting curious about why you might have certain feelings or reactions or qualities or tendencies that you don’t like about yourself or don’t want to look at about yourself can be so fruitful in healing and integrating more of yourself– a process which benefits all aspects of your life.

But, these parts of you can only safely come forward when you create a loving and judgement-free zone internally.

So, I invite you to practice holding loving space for all parts of yourself. And to approach these “darker” or troubled or hurting aspects of yourself with curiosity and compassion instead of shame or avoidance.

This is a practice that can unfold over time. ❤️

And the more you hold compassionate and loving space for all parts of yourself…

…. the more you can integrate all parts of you into your own love…

…. and the less of you gets left in the dark, hidden in the shadow, away from the healing light of your own love and awareness.

This fragmentation of yourself and pushing away of aspects of yourself is part of what eventually leads to physical symptoms and mental and emotional pain.

I’ve found that this deeper integration of all parts of you is one of the most comprehensive and lasting pathways to more physical health and comfort, more energy to support you in reaching your goals, and more wholeness, peace, and ease in your experience of life.

So, for today, here are a few affirmations to help with this process of deep self-love and integration of your whole self:

  • It is safe to love all parts of me
  • I create safety for all parts of myself
  • I am a safe place for all of me to land
  • All parts of me deserve my love
  • I bring loving awareness to all of my habits and patterns
  • I love myself ❤️

How do these feel to you?

How do they land?

Is there one you’re most interested in working with?

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

And, if you’ve been seeking deep healing on all levels, as well as deep support for your process, I’d love to work with you one-on-one, where we can dive into all aspects of your life, health and wellbeing to do this type of transformative work.

I have space this month and next month for either single sessions or to jump into a 4-week, 3-month or 6-month container with you.

The work we do lets us safely access these deeper levels to create foundational and lasting change by addressing the specific factors that lead to your experiences. We are all unique, and your healing will be too.

There are a few ways we can work together one-on-one to create this deeper balance on all levels-body, mind and spirit. You can learn more here. 

We can also set up a time for a free consultation/ chat to answer any questions you may have.

You can reach out to get started on this page. 

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. It would be a joy and an honor to work with you!

Sending love,


Transformation Coach, Intuitive Energy Healer, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine


P.S. This has been a big week for a lot of people in terms of confronting old uncomfortable patterns. If that’s true for you also, I’m sending some extra love your way. ❤️

And if you’re interested in learning more about working together one-on-one, here’s the link once more to explore current options to go deeper.

You can also reply to any email from me to connect, ask questions, or set up a free consultation.

PPS. Happy Spring! (In the northern hemisphere!) I went on a trip for a couple of weeks, and when I got back home everything was blooming! So gorgeous, and everything smells amazing. 🌸🌷🌺What a beautiful time of year.

deep self-love

Wishing you a bright and lovely season. ✨🌱


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