Nervous system reset

Relaxed and Regulated: Deep Nervous System Reset

Are you ready to create some new habits? To me, it feels like a good time for a deep nervous system reset ✨

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the habits that your nervous system can get into.

Especially the patterns that can happen when you’ve experienced traumas or periods of intense stress.

(And especially especially if any of these were in your childhood and/or you absorbed extreme stress patterns from your caretakers)

The problem with this, as you may know, is that it can make you more susceptible to experiencing stress, and perhaps extreme stress, even when your circumstances are more safe and calm. 💗

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, in my own life I’ve experienced many types of extreme stress and traumas growing up, so nervous system regulation and re-patterning has been a lifelong interest and focus for me. ❤️

Through observing myself and through witnessing and supporting my clients over the years, two dominant nervous system patterns that seem to rise to the surface when you’ve experienced stress or trauma are:

  • Your baseline of relaxation is not that relaxed (even “at rest” you might experience things like…hypervigilance, expecting something wrong to happen, assuming something wrong is happening, persistent tension in your body, trying to control your surroundings or circumstances to feel safe… etc etc etc)
  • And, when there is nervous system activation or stress, things can easily get dialed up to a 10 (or an 11, if you’re a fan of the “spinal tap” movie : ), even when the stressor might deserve more like a level 3 reaction.

If you relate to any of this, I have a new offer that will help you deeply support, soothe and re-pattern your nervous system.

Introducing: Relaxed + Regulated; a Deep Nervous System Reset 

Relaxed + Regulated is a live group healing event 

nervous system reset

In this healing session we’ll:

  • Soften and release the impact from past experiences of stress and trauma on your body
  • Address the relationship between your nervous system and adrenal glands and break cycles of over-excitation and tension
  • Help regulate your stress levels so that when your nervous system is activated, it doesn’t go straight to 11
  • and more

The event will be both live and recorded. ❤️

And the doors are open for a super early bird rate of $44 for a limited time (the full rate will be $108)

I’m looking forward to it!

Group healing sessions always have a special depth and momentum. If you’ve been to one before, you know that they’re co-created by and responsive to the energy and needs of our specific group. 

Hope to see you there!

Join here ❤️

nervous system reset

To recap: Relaxed + Regulated; Deep Nervous System Reset

What: Live group healing (also recorded)

When: Wednesday June 14th at 10:00am PST (with lifetime access to the recording)

Who: All of us who are ready for a deep nervous system reset 

You can join today for the (super) early bird rate of $44 

Contact me here to reach me if you have any questions, and hope to see you there!

With love,


Transformation Coach, Intuitive Healer, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine


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