Simple doesn’t always mean easy…
And some thoughts on what you can do when things are a bit harder…
What I’ve found is this:
Sometimes simple things are easy.
And sometimes they aren’t as easy.
For example…taking deep breaths to regulate your nervous system may be simple…
… and it may be easy at certain times…
…but when you’re highly stressed, it may not be as easy to do or to remember to do.
Joy, to me, is one of these things.
Joy is simple because it’s something that exists within you.
It’s the natural product of you being present…of you being you…
The Vedic texts call this concept “Sat-Chit-Ananda,” or roughly “being-consciousness-joy.”
When I talk about Joy, this is the type of Joy I mean…
…not necessarily the more heady experiences of euphoria or giddiness…
…but the calmer sensation of the joy of being… of being joy.

In short, Joy, in its natural form, is part of the experience of just being you.
Which makes it nicely simple. ❤️
That being said, I’ve found that letting Joy be part of your moment-to-moment experience…
…accessing it, letting it take up more space in your awareness…
…is sometimes easy…and sometimes less easy (wouldn’t you say?)
And here’s what I’ve found about the moments where it’s less easy…
In times when life feels harder, it can feel less easy to remember to engage with the joy of being present.
It’s easy to get caught up in the heaviness of a moment or the challenge of a moment.
However, I’ve found that if you invite the experience of Joy into even these harder moments… it’s still there.
Through my own focus on Joy since opening enrollment in my next live healing session: Amplify Joy (more details below), I’ve been getting curious about how to allow Joy to be present, even in the midst of difficulty…
…to allow Joy to be present alongside pain…
…alongside grief…
…alongside worry…
I’ve personally had a big week of processing some big emotions! (how about you?) Some I understood, and some were welling up from deep and nameless places.
And so, while processing anger…and hurt…and sadness…I tried to remember to also access the ever-presence of Joy.
And once I invited it back in…allowed it to enter my awareness…
…there it was.
It didn’t mean the pain or anger or grief or worry vanished…
Instead, I found that it just allowed a lightness to come back into the picture…
…A gentle lightness that co-exists with the heaviness. It doesn’t compete with it. It’s just also there.
And what I found is that when I allowed Joy to be part of these heavy moments, it eased some of the experience of processing old pain…
…and through that easing, it both allowed the process to be softer AND to be deeper.
In short, remembering and feeling the presence of this natural joy helped make it feel safer to allow the process to happen, to proceed in a way that felt gentler to my whole system.
So, I invite you to join me in allowing Joy to be more a part of *each* moment, whether the moments are happy… or perhaps more challenging…
…and to see what that feels like for your system and what you notice.
I’d love to hear how this goes for you . You can contact me here to reach me.
And, that brings me to the upcoming Amplify Joy! session.
There are many intentions I have for this upcoming session, and one of them is to help us start to identify and get very familiar with the feeling of that underlying current of joy…
… so you can let it reverberate into more of your life and your experiences…
…the happy restful moments…AND the more challenging moments.
The Amplify Joy! session is on an early bird sale of $55 until this Friday the 28th at 5:00pm PST. (The full rate will be $108)

In this session, we’ll bolster your capacity to allow your underlying sense of Joy to be more part of your baseline experience in your body and in your life.
You being in the frequency of joy, allowing that to be part of your moment-to-moment experience more often…
…is also just you being closer to your true nature…
…which also benefits all aspects of your life and your health, as well as those around you
When: Thursday August 10th at 10:00am PST. It will also be recorded with lifetime access to the recording.
Where: Live online (with lifetime access to the recording)
What: Intuitive healing session co-created in the moment to deeply benefit all those who join, whether you’re there live, or tune in to the recording later.
Investment: $55 early bird rate before Friday the 28th at 5pm PST. (full rate will be $108)
Here’s the link once more to join
Hit “reply” with any questions, and I hope to see you there!
Sending you love,
Transformation Coach, Intuitive Healer, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
PS. I was lucky enough to be at one of my favorite places this last weekend, by a river in the mountains; a place where gratefully I find that tapping into Joy is both simple and easy. 🙏🏾❤️ Wishing you a summer filled with joy-full moments.

PPS. I also have a few spaces open this summer in my one-on-one Transformation Coaching + Intuitive Healing containers.
If you’d like deep, personalized, consistent support to release the impact of past experiences and access more ease, comfort and joy in your body and in your life, you can learn more about one-on-one work here, and contact me to hear about the special offers that are available for one-on-one work this season.
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