A reason change can be hard

Happy Spring! 🌱✨ I hope you had a beautiful day on the Equinox, and that you are feeling well πŸ’—

This post will explore a reason that change can be hard, and offer some affirmations and statements to support your growth and momentum ❀️

Spring, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (especially in the 5-element and Daoist traditions) is associated with the element of Wood, and with your Liver. πŸͺ΄πŸŽ‹

change can be hard

And in general, the energy of this season is movement, change, and growth. 🌱🌸…

….And, along with this comes the emotion of anger, which, when in balance, helps you stay on track, keep moving, and have appropriate boundaries to create the space for this growth. 🌱

And with all of this energy of movement and change, I wanted to share some observations…

There’s an interesting thing that can happen when we grow and change.

Even if it’s something you’ve been working towards and striving towards, and it finally starts to feel like the growth you’ve been cultivating has arrived…🌱

…part of you might find it scary.

This may especially be the case if you’ve experienced periods of trauma or stress that have given your nervous system a tendency to be more on high alert.

And, this alert part of you might find change and growth scary enough to retreat allllll the way back into the old patterns that you were fighting so hard to release. πŸ’—

This is because, even if the old pattern was so uncomfortable (and it probably was if you’ve been ready to change it)…

… it is familiar.

And, to your nervous system and limbic system (the region of your brain associated with emotion and scanning for danger)… what is familiar is safe….

even if you’re over it…

…and ready to change…

…and excited for growth.

This is because even if the familiar has become very uncomfortable, your system has evidence that the status quo is safe…

And that evidence is…that you are currently alive.

That’s all it takes for this part of your brain to decide that you’re safe as you are, and that it’s better to leave well enough alone.

If you’re alive right now, that’s good enough.

Because if something changes…..then that new territory is unknown.

Even if it feels better, even if you’ve been waiting for it to finally grace you… it is new.

And new has not yet been established as safe. ✨

So, you may notice that when you start feeling better, doing well, releasing old habits, starting fresh...that something happens…

…. and the old habit or thought-pattern or circumstance rolls back around.

Sometimes this gets labeled as self-sabotage.

But, to me, it’s often more useful to see it for what it is–the desperate attempts of your system to keep you safe.

It’s on your side, even if it’s a bit misguided as to what you actually want, and what is actually safe and in your best interest.

So, I have some affirmations to share to help you soften your limbic brain, your subconscious mind, and your nervous system into allowing for the growth that so much of you is SO ready for ❀️

change can be hard

These affirmations are intended to enfold all parts of you into feeling safe and comfortable moving forward, so you can harness this Springtime energy of growth. ✨

And, if you decide you also want deeper, individualized support with this process, you can also get in touch with me to learn about current options for one-on-one work. ❀️

Here is a contact link to reach me if you feel like one-on-one work might be a fit for you, and you’d like the details about what’s available.

Taking a few deep breaths to ground before reading the affirmations…

Perhaps placing a hand over your heart, and one over your belly, while continuing to breathe deeply…

…Here, are some Spring-themed statements for you πŸ’—πŸŒ± πŸ’—

It is safe to change

It is safe to grow

It is safe to be new

It is safe to release old habits and patterns

It is safe to create new, supportive habits and patterns

It is safe to receive all the good that the universe has in store for me

I am safe

It is safe to have clear boundaries

My anger helps me be aware of my boundaries

I choose to be clear and sovereign in my space

I release the habit and pattern of taking on others’ emotions, thoughts and feelings

I release the habit and pattern of making myself small for any reason

When I create sacred space for myself, everyone benefits

When I thrive, everyone benefits

When I give myself the space to grow, everyone benefits

When I shine, everyone benefits

When I heal, everyone benefits

It is safe to be well

It is safe to feel good

It is safe to receive good things

It is safe to love myself

How do these feel?

Do some of them land more deeply than others? Do you have a favorite?

I’d be happy to hear what resonated most with you, contact me if you’d like to share. And, feel free to return to these throughout the weeks to re-enforce the momentum from them πŸ’—

Wishing you a beautiful season of growth, harmony, ease and self-love. πŸŒ±βœ¨πŸ’—

With love,


Transformation Coach, Intuitive Healer, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

P.S. If you missed it above, I also invited you to reach out to me directly by clicking this link if you’d like to learn about availability and options for one-on-one support this season 🌱✨

If you feel like individualized support from me might be a good fit for you, you can contact me here to learn more. And, you can read more about one-on-one work here ❀️


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