blog posts

  • Centered and Clear Added to Courses Available

    Centered and Clear Added to Courses Available

    Even though ✨ Centered and Clear ✨ (my latest event with guided practices + a guided healing) took place a couple of weeks ago, the themes in it are still talking to me (pretty loudly!). I’ve been doing the practices in it in my dreams… …and events in my life continue to invite me into deeper…

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  • Centered and Clear LIVE ✨

    Centered and Clear LIVE ✨

    I want to let you know a bit about why I created the upcoming live ✨Centered and Clear✨ event. It’s actually been something that’s been floating around in my intentions for many months, and I just recently got the internal “yes” to go for it and host it now. 💗 As I see it, we…

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  • How do you respond instead of react?

    How do you respond instead of react?

    So, I’ve noticed that things seem to *keep* happening… Globally, politically, in individual’s lives…basically on all levels. Perhaps you can relate? (Perhaps this is even a a bit of an understatement?) Some of these things have been very intense. And for me, I’ve been pulled to get more and more clear on how I’m being…

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  • It is safe to be you

    It is safe to be you

    What have you hidden away about yourself that it’s time to uncover? What did you come here knowing… that’s gotten buried? There are parts of you that are ready to come back, to be embraced and integrated, welcomed home. Can you feel them knocking? They may be hiding under other more uncomfortable feelings… …ideas, beliefs…

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  • What helps you be present?

    What helps you be present?

    How often do you check in with yourself to notice if you’re present? And, when you do, what helps you collect into the present moment? I used to spend a lot of my time ahead of myself, trying to control the future… …I did this mostly unconsciously, by constantly planning and re-planning. I was always…

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  • How To Unlearn Misunderstandings: What is it time for you to unlearn?

    How To Unlearn Misunderstandings: What is it time for you to unlearn?

    How To Unlearn Misunderstandings… I was thinking recently about how interesting it is to learn to be a human. You arrive here, in your new little body, making new connections in your brain and nervous system, soaking everything up, figuring out how things work. Some of the things you figure out in this time period…

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  • Beauty as a Healer

    Beauty as a Healer

    Invitation to explore beauty as a healer… Where are you finding beauty these days? And how often do you let yourself slow down to take it in? Beauty is one of the ways your heart can speak with you… …And that you can connect with everything around and within you. It can help you arrive…

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  • Integration practice: You already are who you want to be ❤️

    Integration practice: You already are who you want to be ❤️

    As we approach the beginning of a new year, I wanted to remind you of this truth: Who you want to be…who you most deeply aspire to be…is already who you are. Your most expanded, connected and wise self is already fully present… is already who you are. So, as we enter this moment of…

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  • Have Gratitude for Yourself: 3 Ways to Practice

    Have Gratitude for Yourself: 3 Ways to Practice

    When you think of things you’re grateful for, how often do you include yourself? Today, I invite you to take a moment…to practice having gratitude for yourself. Can you take a moment now to thank yourself for… …how hard you try… …everything you’ve overcome… …how thoughtful you are… …and anything else you can appreciate yourself…

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  • Connect with your Heart’s Wisdom Free Workbook

    Connect with your Heart’s Wisdom Free Workbook

    Woohoo! It’s here! The connect with your Heart’s Wisdom Workbook has arrived! As I’ve been hinting, I’ve been working on something for you behind the scenes.  Over the last few months I’ve been focusing more than ever on centering in my heart and listening to my heart. And, while this has always been a focus…

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