unlearn misunderstandings

How To Unlearn Misunderstandings: What is it time for you to unlearn?

How To Unlearn Misunderstandings

I was thinking recently about how interesting it is to learn to be a human.

You arrive here, in your new little body, making new connections in your brain and nervous system, soaking everything up, figuring out how things work.

Some of the things you figure out in this time period remain important, and tend to continue to be useful…

…stoves are hot… that means if you touch them you can get hurt…

…if you push something off a table it ends up on the floor… that means things fall downwards…

…not all dogs are friendly…that means it’s smart to be aware around new animals…

But, other things are incorrect interpretations and misconceptions:

…Dad left… that means I’m not worthy or lovable…

…Mom is stressed…that means I’m a burden and I should stay small and out of the way…

…I didn’t get what I wanted…that means I’ll always be disappointed, so I should be careful about what I want and plan for failure to protect myself…

etc etc etc

And these misunderstandings get filed in the same category as truths about yourself and about the world.

unlearn misunderstandings

We absorb so many of these misunderstandings about ourselves as the “rules of the universe” while our map of how things work is still forming…

…And without being re-examined or released, they often remain in the background, as part of our fundamental understanding of ourselves, of who we are, of how things will go for us.

And then on top of this, we tend to compile “evidence” throughout life that affirms these “truths”:

…that relationship didn’t work out…because I am not worthy of love…

…I didn’t get that job…because I am not likable…

…that risk I took didn’t go the way I’d hoped…because I am unlucky…

…that person didn’t show up for me…because I’m someone who will always have to do everything myself…

And the more you believe it, the more you see it… creating a self-perpetuating cycle in how you see and experience yourself… as these grooves of interpretation get deeper and deeper.

But here’s the thing:

Anything that makes you feel bad about *who you are* is very unlikely to be actually true.

I want that to have a chance to sink in, so let me say that again: *Anything* you believe about yourself that makes you feel bad about *who you are* is not the truth.

So, a process of unlearning some of these things…

(… things that may feel like part of the vital building blocks of the “Truths” of the universe to your system… )

…becomes very important if you want to experience more love, ease, joy, balance, or peace in your life.

It can take some attention and intention to shift the contours of these inner landscapes of belief that may be unconsciously guiding you.

So, I ask you…when you look with the lens of unconditional love, what is it time to un-learn? ✨

What un-truths are ready to shift out so you can directly experience more of the ease, expansion and joy that are part of your actual nature…

…So you can…

…receive more of your own love…

…access more of your own peace…

…integrate more of your own personal power?

What misunderstandings is it time to let go of?

Cheers to releasing anything that is not actually you, and to stepping into a deeper understanding of your own effortlessly beautiful nature. ❤️

It is worth the unlearning.


Ps. If you’d like deep support with this process of releasing internalized misconceptions and stepping into a deeper understanding of your own intrinsic value + an experience of greater ease and softness in your body and in your life...I offer one-on-one Transformation Coaching + Intuitive Healing containers. 💞 Learn more here

Releasing the impact of past experiences and misconceptions creates deeper balance for your body, mind and spirit, and we work with tools that address all aspects of you.

If you think this kind of work might be a fit for you, you can also contact me here to connect about details and availability 💕

PPS. Reminder: You ARE ease, love, and peace.

Here are some affirmations to help you with the process of remembering:

I am worthy

I was born worthy of love

It is safe to love myself

I am a welcome child of the universe

Who I am adds value to the world

It is safe to be me

I am a being of love



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