beauty as healer

Beauty as a Healer

Invitation to explore beauty as a healer…

Where are you finding beauty these days?

And how often do you let yourself slow down to take it in?

Beauty is one of the ways your heart can speak with you…

…And that you can connect with everything around and within you.

It can help you arrive in the moment, where everything is actually happening…

…where peace lives…

…fulfillment and satisfaction live…

…joy and contentment live…

beauty as healer

When you’re missing from the moment, which is so easy to do in the modern world, your mind might go into overdrive to try to help you figure out why something feels “off”. It might suggest reasons why you don’t feel content, and offer solutions.

But contentment can only live here and now, not in an imagined future.

If you let it, I’ve found that beauty can help guide you back to the moment and back yourself.

So, I invite you to pay special attention to what you find beautiful…

…is it the play of light on the grass…

…the way the dew glimmers in the sunlight…

…the effortless internal harmony of all of your trillions of cells working together to allow you to move through the world…?

Your inner child might be a great ally for this practice. What does (s)he want to look at, play with, engage with? Where is she drawn? What delights her?

Whatever it is, I invite you to let yourself slow down and drink it in, commune with it, let it light your heart up, and remind you of the feeling of your connection with all-that-is.

And I invite you to notice how healing this is for your heart. ❤️

Wishing you a beautiful rest of the week, and beyond as you enlist beauty as a healer in your life

How do you connect with beauty? Let me know in the comments ↓💕

Ps. If you enjoy this, you may also like this invitation to connect with your heart

And here is a pocket-sized reminder of this invitation on Instagram:


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