What helps you connect with you heart?
Do you have any practices that help you tune in?
And if so, how often are you doing them?
I’ve been sitting with this idea for a few months now, and I’m realizing that I do best when I check in with my heart many times a day…
…allowing the check-in process to be something that helps me attune to being in my heart-space more and more often…
…and through practice, making heart-centered my “normal” state of being to shift into through checking in regularly.
The more often you do it, the more it feels strange when you aren’t in your heart, and that strange feeling can simply be the invitation to re-center
As I’ve mentioned before, the combination of experiences of trauma + the dominant “go-go-go” paradigm of western culture can make it more difficult to prioritize your heart’s information.
So, with that in mind, it can take some real effort in the form of setting and re-setting your intention to program yourself to listen to your heart’s information.
And the irony is, that your heart can actually help you get where you want to go faster!
Your mind just tends to think it’s the one that can do this…and constantly plans and reassesses, believing it needs to do this to make any headway.
Your heart is more connected to all-that-is…the quantum field…where everything and every moment is ever-present…
So getting from “here” to “there” no longer takes “time”
And access to that field, that connects you with all that is, is only present in the now.
You can’t “be in the now” for your future-self by thinking about the future or for your past-self by re-assessing the past.
You can only do it now…
(…and now…)
But the go-go-go part of your mind works with linear time, which is actually the slowest way to do things.
Your heart is more connected to all-that-is…the quantum field…where everything and every moment is ever-present…
And your heart is the gateway to this space…
…a place of presence…
…and your deepest wisdom.
So, checking in with yourself?
What are your favorite practices for getting present in your heart?
And can you choose to do them more and more often…
…to connect with your heart more and more often?
I invite you to join me in this…and let’s see what we can create from this space, individually and collectively. ❤️✨
And if you enjoy this invitation, you’d love this FREE workbook: Connect to Your Heart’s Wisdom
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