blog posts

  • Simple doesn’t always mean easy

    Simple doesn’t always mean easy

    Simple doesn’t always mean easy… And some thoughts on what you can do when things are a bit harder… What I’ve found is this: Sometimes simple things are easy. And sometimes they aren’t as easy. For example…taking deep breaths to regulate your nervous system may be simple… … and it may be easy at certain…

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  • What a nervous system reset can help you do

    What a nervous system reset can help you do

    I’ve been thinking a lot about all the ways in which nervous system regulation is foundational to so many other important things and experiences. When you feel safe in your body, it opens the doors to so much of all the good that life has to offer. Feeling safe is the first step to help…

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  • Relaxed and Regulated: Deep Nervous System Reset

    Relaxed and Regulated: Deep Nervous System Reset

    Are you ready to create some new habits? To me, it feels like a good time for a deep nervous system reset ✨ I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the habits that your nervous system can get into. Especially the patterns that can happen when you’ve experienced traumas or periods of intense stress. (And…

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  • A reason change can be hard

    A reason change can be hard

    Happy Spring! 🌱✨ I hope you had a beautiful day on the Equinox, and that you are feeling well 💗 This post will explore a reason that change can be hard, and offer some affirmations and statements to support your growth and momentum ❤️ Spring, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (especially in the 5-element and Daoist…

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  • What does your heart say?

    What does your heart say?

    What does your heart say? ❤️ This has been big on my mind (and my heart) these days. The fact is: Trauma can disconnect you from your heart. ⁣ ⁣ It shifts you into a more mental space of problem-solving and vigilance… …a more “mind-dominated” way of being. ⁣ ⁣ But, your heart is the…

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  • Affirmations to support you this lunar new year

    Affirmations to support you this lunar new year

    Happy lunar new year and year of the water rabbit! 💧🐇🌕 (Do you know what animal you are in the Chinese Zodiac? It’s based on the year you’re born….I am a Tiger…🐅…how about you? any rabbits or water rabbits out there?) As we begin this lunar new year, I’m feeling called to share some statements…

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  • How to set self-loving new year resolutions

    How to set self-loving new year resolutions

    As we approach the turning of the year, I’m feeling called to set intentions from a self-loving place of wanting to discover how much more ease I can invite into my experience. And, I invite you to join me in reflecting on what you’d like your life to feel like. The way we treat ourselves…

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  • How to let spaciousness guide you

    How to let spaciousness guide you

    Question: How much space do you create for all aspects of yourself? ✨ How much gentleness can you bring to all of your own being? Spaciousness, in and of itself, is healing. It’s soothing for your nervous system. It helps create safety for the parts of you that have been hiding, afraid or in the…

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  • 2 Simple Ways to Support Your Body

    2 Simple Ways to Support Your Body

    Support your body so it can support you. ✨ Your body is a co-creation between you and trillions of cells. (I’m going to pause here for a moment. Isn’t that in-and-of-itself…pretty wild?) And on top of that, it’s equipped with so many ways to help you move through your life, on the physical, mental, emotional,…

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  • Season of Grief

    Season of Grief

    Fall is typically the season of grief (according to Chinese Medicine)… Several years ago, in the Fall, I was going through a big breakup. I’d been in a relationship with someone for over 11 years, and that November I moved out, and lived on my own for the first time in my life. Even though…

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