Season of Grief

Fall is typically the season of grief (according to Chinese Medicine)…

Several years ago, in the Fall, I was going through a big breakup. I’d been in a relationship with someone for over 11 years, and that November I moved out, and lived on my own for the first time in my life.

Even though this change was ultimately a good thing, it still involved a lot of grieving of loss, as well as major change and transformation in my sense of self.

(Side note: all changes, even ones unlike this one that are purely exciting things you’ve been wanting, create a level of loss, and can lead to unexpected grieving…have you ever noticed that?

All change, even things we’ve been working towards, creates a loss of our former identity… as we step into something new…)

In the days after I moved out, I noticed I was waking up at about 5am every day (not normal for me!). In Chinese Medicine, there’s a meridian clock, a timeframe in which each meridian is most active, and 5am is the time when your body transitions out of Lung time. 🫁

And in Chinese medicine, Lungs are associated with grief and grieving….so that all made sense.

season of grief sunrise
A plus-side of a 5am wake-up…spectacular sunrises!

And then, in the weeks after I moved out, I went on a walk in the woods, and the weather turned.

I got caught in a rainstorm, and it also got dark, so I was walking in puddles I couldn’t see (I can hear the Daoists tsk tsking at me from here… wet feet in the cold dark is definitely not a recipe for longevity and balance!)

I ended up getting a cold (no big surprise!) and a respiratory infection.

And then things got interesting…

… because I was already grieving, AND it was Fall (the season of the Lungs, which are associated with grief as well as immune health), and I was therefore EXTRA susceptible to such things…

…this respiratory infection went DEEP, and it ended up coming back EVERY MONTH(!) for over a year.

Every time I overdid it a little (I was in graduate school, so this wasn’t uncommon), this respiratory infection came back.

Whenever I got a bit too tired it came back.

Every time I flew on an airplane it came back.

All in all, it was like clockwork, once a month, without fail.

And not just a little bit–it was pretty full-on each time. The perfect storm of not ideal situations for the Fall season led to a deep and lingering imbalance in my Lungs.

What finally kicked it to the curb was a lot of herbs 🌱, many healing sessions, and ultimately…

❤️… a giant dose of love–❤️

One of my best friends got married, and I was SO happy the entire weekend, being with her and her family and all of our friends and her happiness.

season of grief
Before the ceremony

We stayed up until about 4am each night of the long weekend, and then the day after her wedding she woke me up at 7am to go swimming in the ocean with her (it seems she was too happy to sleep!).

I had so much fun…

…but I was also certain that it would kick off the cycle of another cold…it had all of the elements…air travel, lack of sleep, overdoing it…

Instead… I got back home from that weekend on cloud 9…and that cold NEVER came back.

Not once.

The Lungs tend to store grief, but it’s the Heart that generates all emotions.

This heart-healing from being immersed in love re-balanced me from the inside out. 💗

And with all that said…I invite you to explore the Equinox Session…

a healing to give yourself deep support in harmony with the season.

This session focuses on all of the themes of Fall; Lungs, immune health, grief, transitions, change + love.


season of grief
Instant + lifetime access to the recording

This healing will help you…

…give your Lungs deep support…

… create space to help you gently honor, process and release any grief that’s in your body…

… support your immune health as we move into cold season…

… AND help you tap into your inner sense of love and Joy to deeply support all of these things!

You can sign up here!

This 🍁Equinox session🍁 is ideal for you if you…

…are processing any level of loss, grief, change or transition… old or new…

…would like to give your immune system a nice boost as we enter Fall…

…have any susceptibility to colds, coughs or lung things (I used to have asthma as a kid)…

…enjoy being in synch with the seasons and want to honor your body’s rhythms…

…want to tap into your experience of joy and love from moment to moment 💗

Here’s the link again to join us for the 🍁Equinox Session🍁 recording!


Let me know if you have any questions!

With love,


Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Intuitive Healer, Transformation Coach.

P.S. side note: I eventually named that cold Carl, and got very clear that Carl is was no longer welcome (no offense to any Carls out there). Get outta here Carl!

PPS. If you skipped down to the bottom here, part of the story is that the Equinox session will help you…

…deeply support your Lungs and immune health…

…create space to honor your grief and grieving process, and keep that process moving so grief does not become stuck in your body…

…access the feeling of love and joy in your body that’s also so healing for your Lungs (and everything else)…


PPPS. (record number of PSs?) I also have a space available in my private coaching + intuitive healing containers for a 5-week one-on-one experience together.

If you feel the pull to give yourself deep and consistent support this season, this 5-week container is designed to help you release anything that no longer serves you and embody more ease, comfort and harmony in your body, mind and spirit…

You’re welcome to, contact me for more details so you can feel into whether it’s the right fit for you.✨

If you’re ready for a change, or for more momentum in the direction you’re already going, I’m excited to work with you! 💗


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