Support your body so it can support you. ✨
Your body is a co-creation between you and trillions of cells. (I’m going to pause here for a moment. Isn’t that in-and-of-itself…pretty wild?)
And on top of that, it’s equipped with so many ways to help you move through your life, on the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels.
And so much of what it does, it does without you having to do anything.
It’s an incredible ally.
That being said…if you add some of your own focus and intention… if you support your body in supporting you... it can do even more for you.
So today, I want to share a reminder of some very simple ways you can support your body to help it support you.
Sometimes simple things are easy to dismiss, because they seem too easy to be valuable…
… but it’s often simple things that are the most potent. ✨
1. Deep Breathing
Every breath you take helps you receive things you need, and release things you don’t.
It does this on the physical level with oxygen and carbon dioxide.
And it also does this on the emotional + energetic levels.
With each breath in, you accept what is new.
With each breath out, you release what is old.
There are so many more ways that your breath supports you. But let’s take a moment now to focus on this one.
I invite you to spend a moment enhancing this process by following along and taking a few deep intentional breaths now.
Maybe place a hand on your heart, and a hand on your belly.
With each breath in…focus on accepting what is…
With each breath out…focus on releasing anything that no longer serves you…
Deep breath in….accepting…
Deep breath out…releasing…
Allowing each inhale to gently lengthen…
and each exhale to more fully release…
Deep breath in…
Deep breath out…
You can also add this intention:
On inhale….I allow myself to receive good things…
On exhale...I allow myself to release the past…
Focus on this for just a few moments, a few more deep breaths, and see how you feel afterward ❤️
I had a client last week who had a fairly large backlog of grief in his system, both from neglecting his own needs for over a decade, and from being the primary caretaker for a close family member who is in the final stages of life.
His body let me know that it wasn’t the right time to do a direct big grief release at that moment, as it wouldn’t be gentle for his system.
Instead, for that moment, the gentlest AND most potent thing to do was to have him focus on his breath a few times for a few moments throughout each day…with the intention of releasing old things with each exhale.
Bigger and more instantaneous shifts and releases can be fun, but just a few intentional moments now and then... to consciously release the old, and accept good things…will also add up, unburden you, and help you feel lighter. ✨
2. Your Digestive System as a Processing System
Your digestive system naturally helps you process both food, and your experiences.
It helps you absorb what’s valuable, and release what isn’t.
Like your breathing, it does this on it’s own.
But, we can also give this process some love through taking a moment to focus on it.
On the energetic level, just like on the nutrient level, not everything wants to be released. There are valuable aspects to your experiences that want to be processed, absorbed + integrated.
Your experiences have information in them that are of service to you, as well as things that can be released; both nutrients to absorb and un-needed components that can pass through.
So, I invite you to take a moment now… to set the intention to allow yourself to gently process the next layer of whatever’s ready to be digested…to take in what’s beneficial, and allow everything else to pass through.
I invite you to place a hand over your heart or diaphragm area, and a hand over your belly.
Take some deep breaths, feeling your hands gently move as you breathe, your belly in particular gently rising and falling as you breathe in and out.
(Deep breaths like this also physically massage your digestive system.)
Set the intention to allow the next layer of whatever your body is ready to process, to gently move through your system…
You can affirm:
“It is safe to process my experiences in ways that are harmonious for me. I choose to allow myself to gently process my experiences”
Taking deep breaths…
…envision your digestive system taking up the nutrients and the useful insights and aspects of your experiences as points of light…
…and allowing everything that no longer serves you to pass through…at a pace that’s gentle, harmonious and useful for your system. ✨
Take a few deep breaths, observing this process, honoring your system’s ability to sift and integrate things for you...its inherent wisdom.
To close these simple practices…I invite you take a moment now to send unconditional love to your body for the work it does for you constantly… from moment to moment…without you having to do anything.
Giving your natural capacity for processing a little love in the form of intentional co-creation like this will help your body support you even more deeply. ✨
And, if you’d like to give your system even more direct support, below you’ll find two ways you can currently work with me to give your body and being some extra love.
1. One-on-one work:
I have some special offers available this month for one-on-one work together.
If you’re new to my work, I offer private containers where we combine transformation coaching, intuitive energy healing and principles of Traditional Chinese medicine to help you reach your health and wellbeing goals.
I’m especially passionate about working with people to deeply release the impact of trauma + periods of stress so you can re-connect with your inner essence and experience a new foundation of ease and harmony in your body, mind and spirit. Your past does not have to define your future.
When we work together, we create ways to go deep, and be direct, thorough and potent while being gentle and harmonious for your system. This combination lets us makes quantum leaps in your process. ✨
You can learn more about one-on-one work here, and then contact me to get more details about the special offers available. ❤️

2. Equinox guided healing.
This guided session leads you through tapping, breathing and visualizations to deeply support your Lungs, your immune system, and your digestive system. It also supports you to honor your grief and grieving process while creating the space for old emotions to be gently processed and released, and taps into the healing power of joy and self-love.
You can sign up here to follow along with the guided Equinox healing recording for Instant + lifetime access ✨.
This guided experience leads you through…
…a deep inner child healing…
…support for your physical body (especially your Lungs, digestive system and immune system)…
…exploration and harmonization of the relationship between grief and anger…
…a reminder and experience of the way that self-love and gentle joy is healing for your body…
…and more…allowing you to feel lighter, clearer and more at ease 🍂

You can learn a bit more and sign up for instant + lifetime access here. ❤️
Let me know if you have questions about anything. ✨
You can contact me here with questions ❤️
Sending you love,
~Dr. Amberlee Rose
Transformation Coach, Intuitive Healer, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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