What does your heart say? ❤️
This has been big on my mind (and my heart) these days.
The fact is: Trauma can disconnect you from your heart.
It shifts you into a more mental space of problem-solving and vigilance…
…a more “mind-dominated” way of being.
But, your heart is the seat of your deepest wisdom.
It needs to be the leader, with your mind in support of your heart’s goals and information.
So, this is a reminder to bring yourself back to your heart…now, and now and now…
…in whatever ways you can.
And to keep prioritizing returning to your heart…daily… moment to moment…
Even if/ when it takes some effort.
You can always come back…
…and it is always worth the effort.
Your heart is always speaking to you, and there is always a way back.️❤️
Because the truth is- nothing gets to take this away from you.
Your access to your heart’s wisdom is part of who you are.
And nothing gets to take you away from you.
You are whole, and you get to experience that wholeness….no matter what no matter what no matter what.
Sending you love, and cheering you on as you connect more and more deeply with the fullness of who you are. ❤️
If you want support with this process, my work as an intuitive healer and transformation coach is geared toward helping you return to your deepest self and to release the impact of experiences of trauma or periods of stress.
I have 3 new offers for new clients, each with a different structure, and all at special introductory rates, so there are options you can explore to see what works best for you.
You can contact me here if you want to learn more about the new ways we can work together one-on-one. ❤️
With love,
Transformation Coach, Intuitive Healer, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
PS. I made this video on Instagram on this same theme earlier this week, with a background song by Beautiful Chorus called “in love” that I really love, and have been playing on repeat. ❤️

PPS. If you missed the announcement, all of my self-paced programs are on currently on a 25% off sale!
I especially recommend:
Embody Joy: Connect with your heart, access your joy.
Centered and Clear: Be sovereign in your own space and in touch with your inner clarity
Presence Peace Power: Collect all of your energy and awareness into the present and make more potent moves in the direction you want to go
Learn more about all available self-paced offers here. All 25% off at the moment. ❤️ (Note: the 25% off has already been applied to the check-out)
And, some of the special new one-on-one offers include free access to my programs. If you’d like to learn more about these new one-on-one offers, you can contact me here and let me know you’d like more info.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Hope you’re having a beautiful day ❤️❤️❤️
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