deep breath

Take a deep breath…

You know how sometimes it’s hard to take a really deep breath?

I mean a REALLY deep breath, where your lungs effortlessly swell to fullness and then gently release all the way out.

deep breath

Maybe it’s harder when you’re feeling stressed, and you don’t even realize your’e not breathing deeply.

Or maybe it’s all the time, because your posture doesn’t let your lungs expand.

Even your beliefs about yourself can affect how deep your breaths can be…

And since breathing is your body’s main way to process your emotions and experiences, the deeper your breaths are, the smoother your life is.

Give it a try now. Take a few deep breaths. How does it feel? Could it be easier?

I made you this week’s video to clear out emotions, beliefs, and patterns that make it hard to take a deep breath.

Follow along to create lots of space for your lungs to easily swell and release.

And after you do, be sure to sign up for the upcoming FREE GRIEF HEALING session! It’ll be wonderful to have you.

Did you notice a shift? Tell me about your “before” and “after” breaths down in the comments below.

If you want to continue to open up your breath cycle, check out this breathing exercise, and last week’s post on releasing grief.


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