adrenal health and stress

Adrenal health and stress: reduce stress by supporting adrenal health

Adrenal health and stress go hand in hand.

The adrenals are small glands in the body that respond to stress. They sit on top of the kidneys like this: adrenal health and stress

Our adrenals help keep us alive.  When you see a bear, for example, the adrenals jump into action, releasing hormones that get you ready to fight or run away.

Even though the adrenals help us out of dangerous situations, their response can be a little old-fashioned when it comes to the stresses of the modern world.  

[caption id="attachment_718" align="alignright" width="300"]big brown bear photo credit: ucumari via photopin[/caption] Fight or flight readiness may be essential for that bear attack, but its not as useful in response to a big meeting, a looming deadline, honking horns, or long lines at the grocery store.

The amount of physical and emotional stress we encounter in today’s world means that our adrenals are working overtime.

This interrupts the body’s ability to stay healthy. In severe cases it leads to adrenal fatigue, general burnout and constant overwhelm, while milder cases cause things like low-back pain, irritability, weariness, bags under the eyes, and trouble sleeping.

This week’s video is a little BodyTalk tune-up to help the adrenals release old patterns of stress-response and relax their over-activity.

They deserve a little lovin’ for all they’ve been through, don’t you think? (And so do you.)

Be sure to tap along : )

Do you have a health and wellness issue you'd like help with?  Submit your health question, and I'll do my best to get to it in an upcoming post.

What are your strategies for supporting the health of your adrenals or reducing stress in your life?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.


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