boost your self-confidence

Boost Your Self-Confidence Easily: Solar Plexus Meditation

Did you know that your posture can impact your self-confidence? (and vice-versa)?

The way you hold yourself and your body affects the way you feel about yourself.

Boost your self-confidence

Today, I’ll lead you through a way to work with your solar plexus chakra to boost your self-confidence, improve your posture, and aid your digestion, all in less than 5 minutes : )

Just through focused breathing, you can connect with your personal power, and be more YOU with ease in every moment.

You can do this short exercise anytime you need a confidence boost: before a job interview, an important conversation, or just anytime you want to choose to face the day with your best self.

I hope you enjoy following along : )

And if you like this exercise,  you might also like this post on ways to tone the Solar Plexus and this meditation to calm anxiety.


2 responses to “Boost Your Self-Confidence Easily: Solar Plexus Meditation”

  1. Madelyn Avatar

    Such a beautiful experience to embody the image of connecting the heart and the solar plexus through breathing. Thank you!

    1. Amberlee Avatar

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it Madelyn. Thanks for being here! <3

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