other people's anger

Strenghten Your Boundaries: Protect Yourself from Other People’s Anger

You know those times when you’re around someone angry, and it makes you really uncomfortable? 

Maybe someone’s yelling at the post office, or your friend’s having a terrible day, and it’s really hard to be around them?  (or maybe someone’s even yelling AT you and it’s totally overwhelming?)

It might get under your skin and make you angry too, throwing you off for the rest of the day. Or maybe it makes you feel ill at ease, or a bit afraid…

other people's anger

Well, today’s BodyTalk is going to help you stay balanced in the face of other people’s anger. This way, you’ll be less likely to feel triggered or intimidated by other people’s experience.

And don’t worry, this won’t make you less able to empathize with others.

In fact, staying in your own experience makes you MUCH more likely to be able to help others in need, without getting overwhelmed or drawn in.

When you’re able to stay in your own space, it makes it easier to allow others to experience their own anger (and sometimes that’s so important. Anger can be a very important emotion), and lets you be there for them too.

In the video, you’ll also get to see how taking deep breaths does more than just calm you down, it actually helps keep you protected…

Follow along to help keep your boundaries strong, so other people’s anger doesn’t get in and rattle your body and mind.

As I mentioned in the video, there are still spots available for the FREE Liver Healing Session!

This session will help you continue to balance your anger, keep you safe from other people’s emotions, and much more. Click here to learn more about the FREE Liver Healing Session. Hope to see you there!


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