Thyroid balancing: clear the path to self-expression

The thyroid gland is the part of the endocrine system that regulates metabolism and blood calcium levels. It's also closely associated with the throat chakra, and directly relates to our ability to express ourselves clearly and easily. [caption id="attachment_2098" align="aligncenter" width="501"]improve thyroid health naturally phot credit: Foxtongue via photopin cc[/caption] Any physical or emotional blockages in the throat will keep the thyroid from helping us say what we mean and be who we are.  This week's BodyTalk guided meditation will lead you to gently clear out blocks in the throat that inhibit self-expression to help you balance your thyroid. It works best if you follow along all the way to the end : ) And, if like many people, you no longer have a thyroid, no problem! This will still be very beneficial to you. Could you feel any of those shifts? Do you have any other suggestions for clearing the path to self-expression? Let me know in the comments below!


2 responses to “Thyroid balancing: clear the path to self-expression”

  1. Mahina Avatar

    Writing poetry and then reading it aloud has really been beneficial in many ways.

    It helps to build confidence in vocalizing my thoughts, as well as confirming the “Spirits” presence.

    When I express myself to others, I try to be openly honest (to a fault).
    Making your intentions and opinions known, without being pushy, but allowing yourself and others to be comfortable to respond, if it necessary.

    Thanks for the “voice”…


    Dawn stretched out her arms this morning
    To an ever expanding horizon

    She sounded her trumpet
    Announcing the arrival of the radiant sun

    As night faded into day
    She painted soft pastels of pink and blue
    Across the cumulus clouded sky

    The gentle trade winds bring news of hope and joy
    Every wave has a purpose filled with a story to tell
    As they lap upon the shore

    Wisdom follows close behind

    Like our souls, each one has a destiny to fulfill

    Greet the daylight with thanksgiving and praise

    For God in all His glory is beautiful to behold

    Be a gift to the world and sing your song to her

    Dawn is listening..

    1. Amberlee Avatar

      Hi Mahina,

      Reading your own poetry aloud is a lovely idea for supporting self expression : ) Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful poem.

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