forgive yourself

How to Forgive Yourself

If you pay attention to how you talk to yourself, what do you notice?


Often, we treat ourselves worse than we’d ever treat anyone else.


forgive yourself


So today, I invite you to consider: How can you be softer with yourself?


What’s motivating you? Is it love? Fear? Self-judgement?


When you move from a space of expansiveness and self-love, things take on a different flow. Life gets easier. You feel softer in space.

Today’s meditation will help you focus on self-acceptance and allow you to forgive yourself.


This will help release the tension created by how we tend to treat ourselves.


PART III of the Forgiveness Series: Self-Forgiveness.


When you think of lack of self-forgiveness, what comes to mind?


It might be a specific incident, where you wish you’d acted differently.


Or, maybe the way you grew up left you feeling that something’s wrong with you, that you’re guilty just for existing…


Whatever comes up for you, even if it’s just subconscious, I invite you to take the opportunity today to let it go.


Follow along with this meditation to…


…let of of the past

…treat yourself with more kindness

…relax your body and your mind


Guided meditation to forgive yourself. Be sure to breathe deeply and tap along:



If you enjoy this video, you’d also like these other parts of the Forgiveness Series: Part I: Forgiveness Letters,  Part II: How to release resentment.



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