natural liver health

FREE Spring Clean Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Session!

As the Earth starts to bloom in the Spring, we want to feel vibrant, energized, and in flow.

But often instead, we notice we’re feeling a bit sluggish, heavy, and stuck. And maybe even a little irritable.

spring clean your body

At this point, you might start to change your diet and make plans to exercise, but something still doesn’t feel quite right…

Last year around this time, I asked one of my clients how she was doing. She mentioned feeling stuck and frustrated, like she was hitting the same walls again and again. She was getting agitated easily, and noticed she was grinding her teeth when she had to sit in traffic. She often felt tired and unmotivated.

On top of that, her digestion had slowed down, and her skin was really bothering her- her lips even started to peel, which had never happened before. She tried changing her diet, but her body wasn’t responding as quickly as she’d like. She did yoga daily, but still felt kind of “edgy.”

After focusing support on her inner cleansing systems, these issues all fell away. Her energy levels improved, she noticed she was much less likely to emotionally eat, and she felt lighter!

She said it was easier to handle stress and make decisions, and that her life regained its flow.

And she wasn’t the only one.

Last year, when we focused healing attention on Spring cleaning the body and mind, participants found that:

  • Their digestion improved

  • They felt lighter and more at ease

  • They had more energy

  • Their eating habits rearranged themselves without even focusing on them (one person even gave up coffee after drinking it every day for 20 years!)

  • They were able to use their emotions as a guide instead of feeling overwhelmed by them

  • They felt more at peace with themselves

And that’s why I’m inviting you to a FREE Spring Clean your Body, Mind and Spirit online healing session to support your internal cleansing systems.

I want you to feel energized, vibrant and light too : )

In our desire to tune into our clearest selves in the Spring, it’s easy to get sidetracked by the conventional “cleanse” information out there.

What I’m talking about is the common belief that if you change your diet, it will take care of all your problems.

While eating in ways that make you feel good is ALWAYS a good idea, cleanses that only focus on diet miss the mark in some important ways.

If you’ve ever gone through a cleanse or detox and felt worse, or at least not as good as you thought you would, this could be part of it:

3 Reasons Why Some Cleanses Don’t Work:

1. Your Body Isn’t Ready

If your organs and systems aren’t primed for a cleanse, you won’t be able to benefit from it.

For example, if your liver isn’t at it’s best, it won’t be able to handle the increased burden of detoxing. If your digestive system isn’t balanced, it won’t be able to absorb the nutrients you supply.

While you might notice some improvements, if your body isn’t balanced, it will struggle to deal with the detoxing, emotional releases, and other changes involved. Even if you feel good in the end, it will tax your body to go through this.

This happened to me few years ago. I did an intense diet for a month with no sugar of any kind (including grains, dairy, etc), and some supplements that were supposed to accelerate the cleansing process. I expected to feel great, but instead I felt like I had the flu the entire time!

Headaches, low energy, upset stomach, etc.

The pace of the cleanse was not good for me, and I definitely won’t do it that way again. It was clearly taking a toll on my body. 

I still love to take a break from inflammatory foods every once in awhile, especially in the Spring, but I stick to methods that work with the body’s natural rhythms and abilities.

2. The One-Size Fits All Myth

There are so many types of cleanse diets and supplements out there. And every person is different.

A juice fast might be right for you, and it might not. A soup fast might be right for you, and it might not. Even if your friend raves about how great they feel on the master cleanse, that might be the exact opposite of what your body needs at this particular time.

My friend, who I’ll call Beth, had this trouble when her sister recommended a juice cleanse. She was super excited about it because her sister had a ton of energy while she was on it, and her skin looked great.

Beth stuck to it for 7 days, but the whole time she felt dizzy and unsettled. And even after she stopped, it took her a few weeks to feel grounded again.

In the end, the juice didn’t have enough fiber for her system, and the fruit in it made it too sugary for her body. It was not the right choice for her.

We are unique beings! No one regimen is right for everyone…

3. They Ignore Your Nervous System

Your nervous system has essentially 2 modes:

  1. It has a stress-response/ let’s get ready to fight or run away mode.
  2. And it has a let’s chill, digest and heal mode.

When your body is in fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) mode, it can not and will not devote energy to healing.

And unfortunately, the pace of our modern world keeps us in stress mode most of the time– not to mention the stored stresses from old traumas and experiences that can get triggered throughout the day.

Our nervous systems haven’t evolved to know the difference between a looming deadline and a charging lion yet, so your stress responses are the same to both:

Blood diverts from your internal organs to your muscles, your heart rate increases, and energy is taken away from other vital functions like your immune system, digestion, and healing and repair mechanisms.

In short, you need to be in rest and healing mode (parasympathetic nervous system), for any real healing to take place.

If a cleanse focuses only on food and nothing else, it can’t truly help you improve the state of your health.

When you want to feel vibrant, light, and clear, instead of focusing on foods, the very best thing you can do is support your body’s natural ability to cleanse itself.

And you can do this through working with the organs and systems that are most active in your body during the Spring: especially your Liver!

So I hope you’ll join my upcoming FREE “Spring Clean your Body, Mind and Spirit” BodyTalk session.

This session will support your body’s ability to cleanse itself on all levels, balance your emotions and help you connect deeply with yourself.

Instead of just scratching the surface with diets and regimens, we’ll focus your inner awareness on areas of your body, mind, and spirit that need more balance, so they can heal themselves from the inside out.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is when your internal cleansing systems are most active, so this is the perfect time to give them support.

When you work with your body’s natural rhythm this way, you can experience deep and lasting shifts, instead of the temporary benefits of diet change.

This is my favorite time of year, because I LOVE working with the themes that come up in the Springtime.

Focusing on the body from the inside out this way has helped participants:

  • Improve skin tone
  • Draw boundaries gracefully
  • Feel deeply relaxed
  • Improve Digestion
  • Release stress and stored emotion
  • And More

Click here to learn more about the FREE session, and to secure your spot!


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