What you believe (about yourself) matters ❤️

At the end of the day, what you most deeply believe about yourself–your worth, your value, who you are–has a big impact on your life.

And, due to various experiences throughout life, some of these things that you subconsciously believe about yourself may not be that nice or affirming towards yourself.

The thing is, deep-rooted subconscious beliefs function like wearing blinders. 

They have you focus ONLY on the information that confirms the belief, and all other data gets ignored.

So, at root, if you believe something not that nice about yourself…such as a tough one like “who I am is not lovable,” for example… your unconscious focus will be on proving that right.

And, that means you continue to have experiences that “prove” that belief correct.

What’s tricky is…

a.) those experiences may not actually mean the thing you think they mean about you (in fact, it is very unlikely that they do)

and b.) you’re very likely unconsciously ignoring millions of other data points that would prove the exact opposite of the mean thing you believe about yourself.

And of course, I’m not here to pile on you…this is something we all do.

The TRUTH is…

… that you are worthy of love…

…that who you are is enough…

…and that you are deserving of receiving the things you most deeply desire…

And anything that says otherwise is simply not true.

SO, lets start to unravel some of the beliefs that you might have subconsciously that keep you stuck experiencing things that “confirm” beliefs about yourself that are not so nice.

One way… before I propose an additional exercise you can explore… is to be part of the upcoming group healing I’m hosting this week called the Deep-Self-Love  Session. You can read about it and join us here. 

subconscious beliefs

This session will be a deep dive into releasing any subconscious beliefs about yourself that don’t serve you anymore, and into creating more loving space for all parts of you. 

Hope to see you there!

And, additionally, you can start to explore what beliefs might be under the surface that aren’t serving you by working with this journaling exercise. 

Uncovering Subconscious Beliefs Journal Prompt Exercise:

The suggestion here is to try some free-writing on a theme.

Free-writing just means writing without thinking or planning. Let your pen/ pencil just flow. I recommend doing this on an actual paper rather than on an app or computer because there’s something about actually writing things out physically that can help things flow through you.

Step 1: On the top of the page, write this prompt that you personalize:

What am I believing about myself that is keeping me from [insert the thing you most want here]?

and then…free-write and see what you find.

Step 2: Create affirmations based on what you uncover.

Based on what you find…write affirmations that help counter whatever beliefs are keeping you stuck. Affirmations can help soften and release subconscious beliefs.

For example, if my prompt was…what am I believing about myself that keeps me from having the romantic relationship I want?

And what I uncover is that some part of me believes I am not good enough, I could write these affirmations:

I trust that who I am is lovable

I am enough exactly as I am

I am a being of love

I am unconditionally loved by the universe

By just being me, I am enough.


This is deep work.

If you uncover anything you’d like to share, contact me to let me know, and I’m happy to send some healing energy your way around whatever you find.

And, if you’d like further support with deep healing of subconscious things that keep you feeling stuck, come join us for the Deep Self-Love  healing.

And feel free to also explore options for one-on-one work here.

Group sessions and one-on-one work each have their own special merits.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

With love,



Transformation Coach, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Intuitive Energy Healer

P.S. The time-sensitive part of this post is that the Deep Self-Love Session is coming up this week, on Thursday July 25!

If you want to learn more + to be part of the live energy, read more about the session and join here

Additional note: Collectively and individually, we seem to be moving a lot of energy these days. This is a reminder to treat yourself gently. When a lot of energy is moving, it can feel kind of intense, it can press on pain points, and it can light up tension in your body. If you’re noticing any of that, I would say remember to give yourself some extra tenderness, gentleness and grace, and to prioritize rest when you can. ❤️

subconscious beliefs

Hope you’ve been having a beautiful day 🌺


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