“I smell a rat”… “That sounds off”… “It just didn’t feel right”… “I could see right through his story”…”The whole incident left a bad taste in my mouth”…
These phrases all point to the ways our subtle senses guide us. By “subtle senses,” I mean the deeper functioning of your senses that gives you access to information that isn’t necessarily apparent on the surface.
Taken together, this deeper sensing helps make up your intuition, the guidance that allows you to perceive more fully.
Whether you already know how to access your intuition, or the idea that you’re intuitive at all is new to you (because YOU are intuitive, I promise), this week’s BodyTalk meditation will make it easier to hear your inner guidance and deepen your intuition.
I hope you enjoy following along : )
Was there ever a situation where following your intuition led you in a good direction? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
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