Invitation to a simple exercise to release pressure in your body, mind and spirit:
Where are you putting pressure on yourself?
And what I mean here is not really in an intellectual sense.
I mean literally.
Where do you feel pressure in your system?
If you do a scan right now, where do you feel pressure, tightness or constriction in your body or in your field?
And once you identify it, can you choose to let it go?
This very simple practice has been a game-changer for me!
This way of looking at things can give you a super-efficient side-step to not have to “figure out” why something feels constricted or tight, or “why” there’s pressure in a certain area.
It helps make it easier to not get caught up in any stories about the experience, and just to shift it on the spot.
You can simply do a scan, identify an area of pressure or constriction, and choose to let it go.
A simple two-step process to release pressure:
Step 1: Find pressure or tension
Step 2: Let it go
You can release the pressure…
…Dissolve the constriction…
…Melt the tension…
Just because.
For this letting go part, see what the path of least resistance is…
You can…
- Ask your guides to help you let it go
- Release it to the divine
- Breathe it out
- Visualize it dissipating
- Use light to transmute it
- Send it down a grounding cord
- Put your hands over the area and melt the feeling
- Send love to that space
- Breathe into that space
- etc etc etc
However you feel called to let it go, allow yourself to let it be as easy as possible to to let go of the sensation, to release pressure, simply because you choose to.
If you feel inspired, you can also be open to insights on how to release it more fully…
…perhaps you’ll feel called to some gentle movement…
…a meditation practice…
…or any other tool you have…
…but I’d suggest that you also be open to it just being easy to let it go, once you choose to. To let it completely dissipate with ease with no further effort.
The same places might come up more than once.
In fact, most likely they will.
And when they do, you can just choose to release it again.
These are probably places you habitually store stress or tension, areas you habitually put pressure on yourself.
The more tenderly and attentively you can choose to release these places, the more these patterns of tension can dissolve and release.
For example, what I’ve most been noticing recently while using this practice is a huge opportunity to release pressure in my digestive system.
When I started this practice, I very often noticed a tightness/ pressure/ tension right under my diaphragm. (In fact, I am choosing to release this area again right now, as I’m writing about it…)
With repeated noticing, this space has shifted considerably, and…
… my digestion feels better
… my abdomen feels softer
…and I’m confident that my microbiome appreciates the change (It’s definitely a more comfortable place to live with all that pressure released! And while I’m at it, thank you microbiome!)
After a few days of this practice, it only takes very slight attention on this space for any pressure that’s creeping in to be released.
So, I invite you to join me in this simple practice…
…Where can you take the pressure off of yourself?
…Where can you invite more ease, gentleness and softness into your experience?
…And what happens when you commit to making this choice, over and over again?
Let me know how that goes for you! If you give this a try, let me know what you find.
Happy releasing!
If you enjoy this practice, you may also like this video on helping your body recover from stress
And here’s an additional affirmation for today to help you feel more comfortable in your body and embrace more of the good in your life over in today’s Instagram post ❤️
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