How to Keep Germs and Toxins Out of Your Body

You know what your first line of defense against toxins and bacteria is?

how to keep germs and toxins out of your body

You guessed it!

It’s your skin! (did you guess it?)

When your skin is healthy, hydrated, and happy, it does a great job of stopping toxins and pathogens from getting in your body.

This saves the rest of your immune system a lot of trouble.

Better to stop a problem before it happens than have to deal with it later, right?

And on top of literally stopping germs and toxins from getting in, your skin also plays a vital role in keeping you healthy through its many immune cells that break down and de-activate microbes, toxins, and pathogens.

This means fewer illnesses, less time off from things you love to do, and less toxic load on your cells and liver.

Today’s BodyTalk healing meditation will guide you t0 strengthen your skin as a protective barrier, so it can do it’s best to keep germs and toxins out of your body in the first place.

That way YOU don’t have to deal with them.

Tap along to help stop germs and toxins from ever entering your body. 

If you like this video, you may also enjoy this BodyTalk meditation to heal your skin and improve your complexion.


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