You know those days (or weeks, or months) when it feels like everything's falling apart? When you feel alone and uncertain, and like the ground is dropping out from under your feet? For me, and lots of people I know, October and the beginning of November brought many such difficult moments, so if you've been going through some hard times, you're not alone! I seem to have made it to the other side(yay!), so I figured I'd share some of the things that made it easier to get through, to give you some extra tools for the next time the world flips upside down. Which brings me to these ideas on how to get through hard times:
5 steps to surviving the end of the world! checklist
I’ll take you through what works for me, and I’d love to hear what works for you too.#1. Cortices:

#2. Being present
When things are tough, its really helpful to stay as present as possible. This ensures that your reactions are authentic and useful (instead of reactionary or defensive, which usually just deepens the trouble).
I find that grounding exercises are a great way to get present quickly. Any form of grounding will help, and the images below link to two different ways to work on it. The first is through visualization, and the second is through working with the root chakra.
[caption id="attachment_3057" align="aligncenter" width="316"]

When you're actually in an intense moment, I find that a variation of the grounding visualization from the first link is most helpful:
If you're in an argument, or facing something difficult, imagine yourself as a column of white light that goes from the sky down into the earth. Invite your higher self to take over, and surrender to being in the moment. Allow yourself to experience and express everything that's happening.
Keep breathing, and follow your lead : )
#3. Gratitude:
When it really feels like everything's gone to &*$% (if you'll pardon my asterisks), it can be extremely helpful to remember all the good things in life. This can be difficult during hard times, but it's always possible. You can start small to begin with. Appreciate your dog, the weather, cozy slippers. If nothing at all comes to mind, get back to the basics: air. Take a deep breath and savor the renewal and release that each breath provides. Feel it filling your body, and emptying you out. Surrender to the experience of gratefulness. Breathe into this feeling, and let it spread throughout your body. Shifting from pain and panic to the calming influence of gratitude, even just for a moment, is always worthwhile. [caption id="attachment_1166" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
#4: Pamper yourself.
When life seems hard, it's important to be really gentle with yourself and to make sure that you're giving yourself all the support you need. I find that it's best to do this in a variety of little ways, such as:- cooking for yourself-if you haven't had a chance to make food for yourself in a while, this can be a really grounding and nourishing practice. Of course, this is only a good idea if it doesn't feel like a chore. If you think you'll enjoy it, spend time with the different colored vegetables, savor the smells, really appreciate your food and yourself.
- cleaning your surroundings-again, only if it feels good and not stressful. Physical space can help create mental space
- making some fragrant tea
- playing music
- watching your favorite movie
- journaling
- drawing
- taking a hot shower
- going for a walk
- stretching
- hanging out in the sunshine

(photo credit: Keith Marshall via photopin cc)[/caption]
#5. Pamper yourself.
That's right, this one gets two places. because:- it's extremely important
- there are so many great ways to do it, and
- sometimes its really hard to prioritize yourself, so I'm saying it twice.
And that's my list! Whether you're going through hard times now, or you're in calmer waters, I invite you to take a few minutes to think about the top things that work for you in times of crisis. And then write them down. This way you'll have some good tools handy when you need them. Even if you never find the paper again, spending some time thinking about it will help you be prepared. To get you started, you're welcome to use this printable of my top three strategies + space to fill in your own. How do you stay on solid ground when everything is falling to pieces? Let me know in the comments below. And be sure to sign up for free updates if you aren't already on the mailing list!
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