What helps you feel safe?
I’ve been sitting with this idea recently.
What is safety?
What is stability?
As you may already know, my home life growing up was not safe or stable.
And when I left home for college, the seeds of this feeling of lack of safety stayed with me.
One of the ways this manifested was that in my freshman year of college… I got three jobs.
I was equating busy-ness and “working hard” with stability, with safety…
If only I worked hard enough, maybe I would feel safe.
And my senior year of college…
…I also had three jobs!
And when I graduated and moved across the country to California…
…I got three jobs.
And, did that actually make me feel good?
As you may have guessed…No…
…I was tired all the time, and barely had any time to do things for myself that mattered, the things that made me feel like ME.
But it’s what I thought I needed…
To feel safe.
Thankfully I finally broke this particular habit, but recently I’ve been wondering where else I might be able to release these seeds of instability.
I invite you to get curious about this too.
Where might you be outsourcing your sense of safety?
And what is really needed to feel safe?
What I’m finding is this:
I’m rooting into the understanding that I am safe…
Because of who I am.
I am safe because I am supported by source.
I am safe because I am connected to the divine.
So, what misunderstandings can we clear around this?
Where might you be believing that safety comes from outside of yourself…?
That it comes from…
…another person…
….your job…
…your role in your family or community…
This doesn’t mean you can’t also feel safe and happy because of these types of good things in your life…
This is just a reminder that the foundation of your safety and stability is within you…
…That you don’t have to perform or strive in order to deserve to feel safe…stable…calm…supported.
So, I invite you to take a few deep breaths now…
…perhaps place a hand over your heart, and a hand over your belly…
…breathe in through your nose…
…and out through your mouth…
…feel into your connection with the Earth…
And tune into these affirmations to help you deeply shift any parts of you that believe that true safety lives outside of yourself:
“I am safe because of who I am.
I am safe because I am connected to source.
I am supported by the Earth
I am a being of love
I am connected to the divine
In this moment, I am safe”
Do you notice anything shift when you feel into these affirmations?
You deserve to feel safe and supported in every moment.
You can return to these affirmations anytime you want to come back to the feeling place of safety, support, and calm. ✨
And here’s a recent Instagram post you can save as well if you’d like to keep a visual reminder of this:
Sending you love. 💕
P.S. Would you like to take this type of work deeper?
Learn more about one-on-one containers
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