How to (and why) to set intentions

What’s your favorite process to set intentions?

And how often do you touch base with your intentions?

One thing I really like is journaling. I find that writing helps me get clear on what’s been going on in my mind and get settled before setting intentions.

Set powerful intentions

By the way, if you happen to be in a moment of feeling on the fence about whether your intentions matter, what you focus on matters, what you choose matters, or whether you’re powerful…

…you can consider this your message of confirmation:


You are powerful.

What you focus on matters.

Your intentions matter.

Your choices for yourself matter.

Feel free to come back to this anytime you need a little reminder of these truths.

(And feel free to switch those to “I” sentences to turn them into affirmations! Affirmations are a great form of intention-setting in and of themselves, and they provide a nice way to get your subconscious on board for the shifts you call in.)

I would even argue that, in my experience, nothing is more potent than your intention.

Even when (or especially when), you feel a bit lost, or you aren’t sure where you should point yourself.

So, below you can find a simple exercise to touch base with your intentions, so you can see where you want to point yourself and then invite in support on your path.

Simple exercise to set intentions:

This is a variation of a writing exercise I sometimes share with private clients. It helps you tune into the energy of making shifts through harnessing the potency of your intentions.

Writing Prompt #1: What are you releasing? What are you ready to let go of? What no longer serves you?

I invite you to free-write on this topic. You can be as specific or as general as you like.

As I mentioned, you don’t always have to know exactly what you’re working with. You can start writing and see if you surprise yourself with some clarity. Or, you can write down what you already know you’re focusing on. Feel free to just see what happens, and trust that whatever comes up is perfect.

This morning, for example, I woke up with a very strong feeling that it’s time to release something big I’ve been holding onto that’s been holding me back. I don’t have a clear awareness of what this is, and my sense is that I don’t need to...

So, my intention today has been to simply to release whatever is no longer in my highest good, without attachment to having to know the details. I’m trusting that with each step I take (literally, I’m heading out on a walk/ jog shortly!) whatever needs to be released will be releasing. Because I intend it.

Prompt #2. What are you calling in? What are you ready to invite into your life?

Same goes here! I invite you to free-write on this topic and see what comes through. You can be super specific and detailed if you feel moved to, or you can just begin to get curious as to what your system wants to tell you.

For example, when I sat to write this blog post today, I got curious about what my intentions in writing this were; what type of information I would open to channel, what would be the best match for today…

What came through as my intention was: “whatever is in the highest good of all beings” and this meditation on intention itself is what flowed out. I had actually planned to write about something else today!

Sometimes you might be surprised at what you learn when you check in.

Step #3: Be Open to Being Supported

With your intentions set, all that’s left is to remain open to what opportunities and inspirations come through.

Trust that you are supported, and be open to whatever guidance flows through you…

…Feel called to go to a specific yoga class? Do it! 

…Feel inspired to work with a certain healer? Sign up!

…Feel a pull to go for a walk by the water? Go for it!

…Been wanting to learn Tai Qi? Find a teacher!

As you practice getting clearer and clearer that it’s safe to trust the power of your intentions, you can relax into knowing that when you’re listening in and open to your guidance, everything you choose supports your intentions.

In reflecting on my own experiences while writing this, I feel amazed and almost overwhelmed at what I’ve healed in myself

… physically and emotionally and spiritually, through setting intentions

… and surrendering to allowing the fruition of the intention to flow through me…

It’s been a deep learning around allowing myself to be as potent and powerful as I truly am. And from there, following the steps that appear… one after the other…

…opening to guidance

…surrendering to support

…listening to my inner wisdom

…working with healers

…choosing plant medicines


Following whatever step appears next… one step at a time…

I hope you enjoy this practice of remembering to touch base with and set intentions regularly, in whatever form works best for you.

For myself, I even have a separate journal for what I’m releasing, and one for what I’m calling in!

If I just want to ramble/ rant/ release I use my sloth journal. On the other hand, lists of things I want to remember or that I’m calling in go in my whale journal.

(No judgements reflected in those choices, I am a HUGE fan of both sloths and whales. 💕)

Seeing you aligned with your highest good, which is in alignment with the highest good of all, and taking brave steps on your path (because you are).

If you’d like more support, you may also like this video from a few years back with a meditation to help you stay focused on your intentions or this one on accessing your intuition



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