Heart Reconnection: Take 5 minutes to tap into the peace of your heart

With all the activity of bustle of spring, it seems like a great moment to take a step back and get in touch with the heart.

When life seems stressful, or there’s a lot going on, it can be easy to get disconnected and be a little bit in “mind mode.” With all the thinking, planning, and doing that’s needed, the heart can get left behind.

heart reconnection

So, today I made you a 5 minute heart reconnection guided meditation to help you take a moment to get in touch with the deeper wisdom of your heart.

Allowing yourself to move, act, and plan from your heart will make everything feel easier, and the outcome is generally a lot better : )

Be sure to tap along to access the wisdom and peace of the heart through this guided heart reconnection:

If you’d like to go further into this, you may enjoy working with the heart chakra, or focusing on self-love : )


2 responses to “Heart Reconnection: Take 5 minutes to tap into the peace of your heart”

  1. dominique doubek Avatar
    dominique doubek

    Hi Amberlee,
    I am enjoying all the heart meditations and body talk exercises a lot this August. I have been doing the heart reconnection most everyday and throughout the day when I am present and remember. This has made me be more conscious of my internal thoughts by asking myself if these thoughts are heart centered. By being conscious of my internal mind thoughts this has highlighted self-judgement, and in turn all judgement towards others. Ultimately I am bringing light and consciousness to my subconscious through my Heart by being more heart centered. The act of doing these bodytalk exercises/meditations is retraining me in creating a habit of checking in with my heart constantly. This habit I like…. the Heart Habit!!

    1. Amberlee Avatar

      Hi Dominique,

      This is wonderful to hear!! I’m so glad you’re incorporating these meditations into such a mindful and fruitful practice. The Heart Habit indeed! I love it! And much love to you, as you bring light to these deep places.

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