With all the activity of bustle of spring, it seems like a great moment to take a step back and get in touch with the heart.
When life seems stressful, or there’s a lot going on, it can be easy to get disconnected and be a little bit in “mind mode.” With all the thinking, planning, and doing that’s needed, the heart can get left behind.
So, today I made you a 5 minute heart reconnection guided meditation to help you take a moment to get in touch with the deeper wisdom of your heart.
Allowing yourself to move, act, and plan from your heart will make everything feel easier, and the outcome is generally a lot better : )
Be sure to tap along to access the wisdom and peace of the heart through this guided heart reconnection:
If you’d like to go further into this, you may enjoy working with the heart chakra, or focusing on self-love : )
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