Gut brain update: Improve clarity, digestion, and mood

Did you know your digestive system contains upwards of 100 million nerve cells?

100 million!

gut brain

For scale, that’s more than in your spinal cord!

These neurons of the gut brain (known as the enteric nervous system), are where you get your “gut instincts” and “gut feelings.”

And speaking of gut feelings, the health of your gut is directly related to your mood. Happy intestines, happy life (that’s how that saying goes right? ; )

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the intestines are also the seat of your intellect, and help you make good, discerning choices.

Today’s BodyTalk meditation will help you reset this awesome gut brain of yours to improve your clarity, digestion, and mood.

If you need help making a decision, feel like your tummy’s off, or you’re just ready to feel happier, this one’s for you!

I hope you enjoy tapping along to update your body’s relationship to your digestive system.

If you like this video, you’d also enjoy this post on the solar plexus, and this video on getting the most out of your food : )

Want to learn how personalized BodyTalk sessions can help you deeply balance your body, mind, and spirit? Click here to learn about working one-on-one with me…


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