Have you ever struggled to know what you should do next in life, felt confused, or had trouble envisioning your future? Working with the 6th chakra, also known as the brow chakra or third eye, can give you easier access to your inner guidance and clarity.
The brow chakra reflects our ability to integrate all our sensory information into deep insight. It allows us to perceive clearly, and get in touch with our intuitive nature.
It's also closely associated with the pituitary gland, which coordinates and integrates the endocrine system, and with the brain and nervous system.
An off-balance third eye chakra can cause confusion, clouded thinking, and lack of clarity.
On the physical level this can show up as tension in the face and brow, headaches, eye problems, and hormonal and nervous system imbalances.
Below, you'll find three fun ways to work with the 6th chakra to gain deeper access to your own inner voice and inner guidance. This work will make it easier to make decisions without fear, and to see the world as it really is.
1. Affirmations
If you're familiar with my chakra posts, you'll know that affirmations help us change our inner dialogue, turning around any self-sabotaging ideas our subconscious mind is feeding us.
Even if we feel we're seeing things clearly, under the surface we may believe: "I never get it right" or "I need someone else to guide me." This blocks our natural ability to tune into and trust our intuition (and yes, I mean you here. YOU are naturally intuitive. I promise it's true.)
Here are a few affirmations to help you deeply access your inner guidance. I recommend choosing one or two and repeating them 10 times a day for the next few days. See how it feels to begin to trust yourself more fully.
I see through to the truth of things
2. Visualization-clear the gunk out of your eyes
This exercise offers a visual metaphor to powerfully cleanse and clear the brow chakra, helping to improve clarity and insight while releasing any old experiences that made you distrust your intuitive nature. Take a few deep breaths. Allow a grounding cord to drop from the base of your spine, down into the core of the earth. As you breathe in and out, allow any tension in your body to drop effortlessly out of your body, down this cord. [caption id="attachment_2202" align="alignright" width="256"]
3. Window-washing

As you play with some of these third eye ideas, begin to notice if you have an easier time making decisions, or having a clear picture of your own situation. Perhaps you'll have helpful dreams, or a solution to a current problem will jump to mind. Knowing who to trust may become easier, as well as who you can see right through.
What did you find most useful? Let me know in the comments below.
If you enjoyed this, you'd also like this guided meditation to balance your third eye, and this post on the crown chakra!
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