stay healthy this summer

3 ways to stay healthy this summer

Now that it’s Summer, all the lovely self-care tricks we got used to in Winter and Spring don’t really work anymore. It’s too hot for baths and saunas, and tea isn’t exactly as exciting as it was in January.

stay healthy this summer

Each season has it’s own benefits and challenges. (Which is why, in this blog, I tend to tailor the content to the time of year. Did you know that? That’s why we focused on the liver and anger in the Spring (which is liver time!), grief in the Fall, etc. Soon, we’ll focus on the heart and digestion for summertime! Stay tuned!)

The summer brings sunshine, warmth, and fun! But all that daylight, combined with so many things to do, can lead to burn-out. And there’s nothing worse than having to miss a trip to the beach because you got sick…

So, here are three ways to enjoy the summer without sacrificing self-care.

3 ways to stay healthy this summer:

1. Embrace Wabi Sabi…

“Wabi sabi” describes an aesthetic sensibility that began in Japan. In essence, it’s the idea that beauty can be “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.” I like to think that this describes the beauty of nature. Sticks, stones, trees and mountains might not fit a symmetrical or orderly pattern, but when you pull back, it all comes together beautifully.

stay healthy this summer prayer flags

How does this apply to Summer, you ask? Well…the whole reason I’ve heard of Wabi Sabi is because a friend once told me that when she’s busy, she applies this idea to her housekeeping. If she’s got other things to do, whenever she comes across a mess, she just says, well, that’s ok, that’s my wabi sabi corner.

So, this summer, if things ever get overwhelming and it seems impossible to go to the beach, host 4th of July, pick up your friend from the airport, balance your checkbook, and vacuum the rugs, I invite you to just let go a bit!

Have a wabi sabi corner where you keep all your clutter, or a wabi sabi counter where the dishes are an homage to the “imperfection” of nature, or a wabi sabi day where you don’t plan ANYTHING. Let things be a process instead of trying to get everything done.

In short, don’t take it all too seriously…(a reminder I need all the time!) Not EVERYTHING has to get done. Nothing has to be “perfect.” Embrace Wabi Sabi!

Plus, it’s fun to say…

2. Enjoy the fruits (and veggies!) of the season…

So many beautiful fruits and vegetables are ready to harvest in the summer! If you have a garden, (or a friend with a garden), or access to a farmer’s market, getting lots of local fruits and veggies into your diet will help keep you strong and healthy this season!

stay healthy this summer

The produce that comes out will help you get the nutrients and vitamins you need so your body can keep up with the increased activity of summertime. There’s a reason all those sweet, nutrient-packed berries are ready this time of year. Even the bears know it!

Come check out my facebook page for some summer fruit and veggie smoothie recipes to help you add some extra produce to your day. And I’d love to hear about your favorites in the comments too!

3. Take some downtime, even in short bursts.

Ok, so for me, this is the biggest one. Even though I get to do lots of the stuff I love to do during the summer, I still have to consciously take time to be mindful and check in with myself. A lot of summer activities are very active, and it’s so important to carve out time to be reflective.

stay healthy this summer

Here are some of my favorite ways to do that:

  • Breathing
  • Yoga
  • Doing a favorite short mediation

I’d recommend finding some time each day for a quiet moment: take a few slow, deep breaths before jumping into the river, do a bit of yoga before packing up for your hike, make a commitment to meditate each day before heading out to work. Whatever feels best to you.

Whatever you choose, taking a step back to be reflective and go inside will balance out all the outward activity of summer and add some yin to your yang!

However you choose to stay healthy this summer, I hope you have lots of fun!


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