Re-program your nervous system away from stress, worry or anxiety + consistently connect with the experience of deep Joy

Would you like to…

…have the tools to stop a stress pattern in its tracks and gently shift into a more relaxed state…

…deeply reprogram your nervous system away from fight or flight as your “normal” mode of being into a space of feeling held and safe…

… and be able to harness your power to step into the experience of Joy in your heart in an instant, regardless of what else is going on….

Embody Joy is designed to lead you through a portal of being able to access Joy more and more often, more and more easily.

It gives you the tools and support so you can transition from stress or worry being the norm in your experience, to being able to connect with Joy whenever you choose to.

And from this gentler state of Joy, it’s also easier to…

  • feel safe in your body and be in the moment
  • access your intuition more clearly
  • make decisions from your heart

Because the truth is that Joy is actually your natural state of being.

Joy is always present. 

It’s always under the surface… in the stillness of the moment. 

If you can take a moment to slow down and be with it… to take it in…you will find it.  

If you (like me) have experienced trauma or stressful periods in your life…

…especially in your younger years when your nervous system was still forming…

…slowing down enough to notice……and taking in the presence of joy… can be more challenging. 

It can, in fact, not feel safe to slow down…to allow the mind to be calm, to release all traces of vigilance, and to be in the experience of gentle joy…….which is the natural state of your heart.

If your nervous system was trained to be always-alert, being in your heart might not feel as important to your body as making sure you’re paying attention…

…planning your next moves…

…ensuring that nothing bad is about to happen.

This tendency to worry about the next thing, instead of being present in the moment, is also the case in western society in general.

The emphasis in the collective consciousness tends to be on productivity, on physical accomplishments, on what you can show for yourself…

And less on the inner experience…

…the value of quiet…

…the wisdom of your heart…

…the cultivation of joy…

But joy is your natural state.

One-ness awareness is your natural state.

Peace is your natural state.

There’s an intrinsic Joy in life.

That’s different from the giddiness of accomplishment…or the satisfaction of getting something you wanted (however fun that can be!)…

It’s a quieter state…

…a softening…

…an inward smile. 

And “Embody Joy” is designed to help you access this state…

…more and more easily…

…more and more often.

It will help you…

… re-calibrate your nervous system so that JOY can feel safe…

…create spaciousness in your heart through boundary work and clearing old emotions so there’s more room for joy…

…cultivate your ability to tune into the experience of joy in any momentno matter what’s going on…so that you can feel the joy in your body… and see it in the world around you…moment to moment.

The “Embody Joy” program is a self-paced course + Joy Activation/healing that will attune your systems to the experience of Joy.

And I’m so excited to share it with you!

Ready to calibrate to more and more Joy?

Come join us!

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Here’s what’s inside…

Module 1  

Nervous system re-calibration

  • Re-set your nervous system away from stress, vigilance, worry or anxiety.
  • Learn tools to take your body out of “fight or flight” and into a state of calm and rest, even in moments of stress.
  • Access more and deeper calm, more and more often.

A pre-requisite for accessing joy in your body is cultivating a feeling of safety in your experience. These practices will help you consistently create a sense of safety in your body through soothing and re-patterning your nervous system.

Module 2

Create Space for Joy

  • Clear out old emotions and experiences that may be stored in your heart, so your heart can be a more comfortable place to spend time in.
  • Learn tools for creating boundaries both energetically and in your life to make room for the experience of joy (plus a super-simple practice that will create a lot of spaciousness!)
  • Use your power and intention to choose to prioritize Joy.

This module will give you tools to clear your heart-space to allow your heart’s natural expression of Joy to shine forward. It also has energetic boundary-setting and alignment practices to create breathing-room for the experience of Joy.

Module 3 

Cultivate Joy

  • Attune your awareness to the constant presence of Joy.
  • Learn practices to help you notice and take in the Joy within and around you.
  • Practice accessing the presence of Joy, even in moments that are more challenging.

Each module builds on the last. With your body feeling safe and grounded, your heart space more and more comfortable, and your boundaries clarified, you can begin to easily cultivate Joy practices! Your awareness will have the space it needs to take in the Joy that’s always there.

Deep Healing

Joy Healing/ Joy Attunement

  • Get the Joy codes and quantum shift your ability to tap into Joy.
  • Update and elevate your body, energy and experience around the theme of Joy.
  • Attune to the frequency of Joy so you can recognize and access it more and more often, more and more easily.

This Joy Activation is a huge cleansing, clearing, updating and amplification of your Joy-frequency, your ability to anchor Joy into your daily experience, and your access to the Joy that’s present in every moment. 

Follow along with this full-length healing session/activation to…

  • Deeply integrate all of the work in the modules on a cellular level
  • Light up all of your cells with Joy energy ✨
  • Update your neurochemistry (including your gut-brain), to center in the gentle experience of Joy
  • Connect to and amplify aspects of your body-mind that are deeply connected with all that is, and the gentle Joy that comes from this connectivity…
  • And More ❤️

This program is an invitation to bring more and more Joy into your embodied experience… 

…To help make your body a softer space for Joy to land and take root…and for your higher self to settle…

…To completely shift your nervous system’s go-to mode and access your own power to create your experience of your life.

It doesn’t mean you’ll never be upset ever again…

…We all experience contrast…

…and all emotions have their place and sacred purpose.

But, it does offer tools and experiences to help you be able to access Joy, even in the midst of sadness, grief, or difficulty…

So that even when you’re moving through a challenge…

…you can still know in your bones that you are deeply supported, and that you can reach for and access the Joy that’s also present in every moment. 

When you’re in touch with Joy…

…you feel safe in your body and your body can focus on projects like rest, deep healing and digestion…

…you can access your intuition more clearly…

…you can more fully take in the beauty that the moments in your life continuously offer you…

Do you feel the pull to embody more and more Joy in your daily life?

Come join me in the Embody Joy Portal. ❤️

Other details:

When: Now! Get instant access to the program once you join.

Where: Online!

This program contains the tools and resources I’ve collected on the theme of Joy in over 11 years of practice + through studying to be a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and an Advanced Practitioner of Energy Healing modalities like BodyTalk and BodyIntuitive.

It’s a collection of the tools that I use myself to call in more and deeper feelings of Joy, safety and support in my life.

I use the resources found in this program daily.

And I’m so excited to share them with you.

You have lifetime access to the program once you join.

Let’s get started!

Feel free to ask me any questions you have. 

Ready to Join?

This program leads you through deep and potent processes to help you access the Joy that’s present, so that feelings of Joy, ease, safety and support can be your go-to state of being.

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