Connect With Your Heart’s Wisdom
Guided Heart Healing Meditation ♥️
Guided Heart Healing Meditation ♥️
Yay! I’m so happy you decided to deepen this practice of connecting with your heart’s wisdom through this guided heart-healing.
Below you’ll find…
…. the video version of the guided heart-healing meditation
….the downloadable audio version
…and a few additional suggestions for staying in touch with the wisdom of your heart throughout your day.
The guided heart healing meditation is designed to be used with your workbook to deepen each aspect of the practice outlined there.
It can also be used on its own as a guided meditation to slow down and tune into your heart.
ENJOY! And feel free to reach out to me to share anything about your experience with this meditation ♥️
Here’s the audio version:
A second copy of the “Connect with Your Heart’s Wisdom Workbook” has also been delivered to your inbox, so you can find the meditation and the workbook in the same place in your email. ❤️
I hope you enjoy these practices contained in the workbook and the meditation/ heart-healing.
I find that the more you can connect with your heart consistently, the easier it is to re-center more and more quickly, with less and less effort.
Here’s a few more ways to connect with your heart throughout the day:
The more you practice tuning in to your heart’s wisdom, the easier and easier it will be to hear. ♥️
Sending you love!