Get Ready For the New Year (by being in the moment now)

As we get closer and closer to the New Year, there’s lots of excitement about new goals and starting fresh. 

While it’s wonderful and exciting to look ahead, I’m feeling really called to take a moment to make sure I’m here now. 

get ready for the new year

That’s why I made this guided meditation- to help you (and me) stay grounded in the moment, and really appreciate the slowing down and going inward that the end of the year can bring.

Oddly enough, being present is the best way to look to the future with clarity. 

We make the best plans and resolutions (by far) while we’re grounded in our bodies and in the moment.

I hope you enjoy taking this moment with me to get grounded, relax your mind, and prepare to gracefully let go of 2015 and start the new year fresh.

You may notice the camera angle is a little different than usual…this was my cameraman (or more accurately, camera-tree) today. Thank you tree!:

get ready for the new year

Follow along with this guided meditation to get ready for the New Year by bringing yourself strongly into the present. 

If you enjoyed this, you might like making the brain-balancing cortices technique a part of your daily practice.  

Happy New Year!!!! XOX



  1. Ellen C. Scruggs says

    Thank you Amber so much for the meditation and brain balancing video. What a major difference I feel just by connecting.

  2. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Amberlee, your video has already had the desired effect.
    Wishing you health and happiness for 2016.

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